We have 5 Mental Muscles


Perception is how we see things. Things are not positive or negative. In our mind we create a positive or negative. To have the best quality of life we must perceive things as positive.

The Will

Your will is the things you do. Your will is what controls your life. You do what you will. You eat what you will. You say what you will. Desire creates your actions which creates your will. You must desire the reward to direct your will.


Memory is the things stored in your mind. Everything is stored somewhere. We choose what we want to remember and what we don’t want to remember. Our perception about things is what creates our choice in remembering or forgetting.


We can reason things out in our capacity of belief. Reason is formed in the mind. Which again leads us back to perception.


Intuition is the things inside that you just know. You know that you know, and you don’t necessarily know why or how you know. Intuition is that God-part in you that enables you to move ahead when you don’t really know the outcome. Your Intuition is affected by your perception.


Imagination is the things that are not developed as of yet. Imagination is in the creative part of our mind. Creativity gives birth to imagination. You must be creative to exercise imagination.

