Positive Life Changes

Transform Your Life Forever

Charge Forward

Transformational Coaching

The worm didn't know it could someday fly and didn't realize the beauty it would possess on the other side of transformation.

The worm was always a butterfly. Once transformed the butterfly doesn't go back to his past life and crawl on the ground as before.

True transformation is lasting and possible.

The way you see yourself today is only what you see. Perhaps you don't know what is on the other side of transformation. But chances are you know what you wish it was. That wish can be yours. Transformation is real and very possible. 

Set your intention to step into transformation for yourself.

Don't Settle for Less

Discover the Life You Were Meant to Live

Deep down, you know you're destined for a better life. Yet, time and again, you find yourself stuck in the same unsatisfying routine. Despite your best efforts to make positive changes, your old life keeps resurfacing, holding you back.

Sometimes, it feels like you're trapped in a never-ending vortex, pulling you deeper into frustration and despair. You wonder if you'll ever escape this cycle, as it seems to tighten its grip with each passing day.

But what if I told you there is a way out of this stress, trauma, and dissatisfaction? Would you believe it?

Perhaps you hold a flicker of hope, though tempered by past disappointments. That was my life too, until I discovered the key to transforming it all. This revelation allowed me to live the life I always knew I was meant for.

Everyone deserves to experience this transformation. If it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you too.

Many Areas of Expertise

Fully Certified, Evidenced Based NLP, Hypnosis, and EFT Practitioner, Mindset Coach, Stress Specialist, Business Consultant

There is no one size fits all coaching method, that is why I take strategic approaches to different issues and even more importantly to each individual.

I offer a 30 Minute Free Consultation to help both of us make sure it is a fit for us to work together. You are taking a huge step to open up and ask for coaching and I have deep respect for your willingness to do that first and foremost.

Each coaching session will start with a short intake and then the rest of the session is tailored to fit exactly what is needed for you to transform the particular area to give you optimal forward motion.

  • Stress
  • Physical Pain
  • Emotional Pain
  • Trauma
  • Abuse
  • Addictions
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Relationships
  • Weight Loss
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Grief & Loss
  • Spirituality
  • Abandonment
  • Rejections
  • Anxiety

Carolyn Miller

Broken & Abused, Depressed, Addicted, Suicidal, Burn-out, Stress, Insecure, This was me.

Deep inside I knew there was a solution to my problems. I was on a mission to find the answer. And I did. It allows me to live the life I really wanted, happy, free and vibrant.

My journey was a discovery to uncover that the answer was within me. It was not outside or with some other person. I held the answer the entire time, I just didn’t know how to find it. Today I help people find their answers inside them. You are the one that holds the key to the happiness you desire.

Types of Healing

You Are Not Broken

Your mind is the most powerful thing about you. It holds the power to heal you or destroy you.  When you have negative memories they are stored in your mind to keep you safe and depending on what happens the negative resources in your mind come forward to create a response to keep you safe.

When you change the way your mind holds these resources it changes the way you respond and how your body responds as well.

Deep powerful change happens when you clean up those resources.


Trauma is trapped in the mind and once released, your life can be totally transformed.


Stress is the biggest killer in the world. Stress is held in the mind and can be released.


In-depth healing from abuse can be yours forever. Abuse doesn't need to be your identity.


Addictions exist because they make you feel good. Keep the good feeling... get rid of the addiction.

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