Why are we here?

by Carolyn Miller  - May 6, 2019

Much like looking at this photo we can see that someone was here at one point, but we don’t really know the reason they were here, or what did they do while they were here? It appears they sat on the bench, but that is based on our assumption that a bench is to sit on. Benches can be used for other things as well but we generally think inside the box.

This is how our life is. We are here on this earth right now, but what is the reason we are here? What are we accomplishing while we are here? Are the things we do now just for the here and now? If not, how will they serve us or others in the after life? Most of thie time we look at it based on the things we know now.

Wayne Dyer speak about the morning of our life and the afternoon of our life and the things that were true in the morning of our life may be a lie in the afternoon of life.

We are constantly finding ourselves in a world were we need to compete and be the best. Then there are the things we do so we are accepted in society and with our friends and family.

Many people may feel they are called to this life to do something powerful, but it is easy to put it on the side and just live life in the mediocre way or live life to be pleasing to others, or simply to do the things in front of us instead of stretching ourselves to be MORE.

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